The Vignettes:
A New Birth Taught By Jesus
A True Scholar
Christ Fulfills the Jewish Feasts
Literary Assonance in the Hebrew Bible
A Cyclical Approach to Revelation
Gleaned Wisdom from David's Failure
Christ is the Mighty God
Biblical Pastor Teacher
NT Application of 18 Benedictions
Hillel's Rules of Interpretation
Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd Predicted in Ezekiel 34
Great Worship Hymns of Jesus Christ
Jew and Gentile in Christ
Jesus was cut off from the land of the living
King of all KIngs
Man the image of speaking being
The Ancient Near East and the Biblical Flood
No Time to Retire
Paradise in Rabbinic Interpretation
Christ is the Final David in Matthew
Regaining Our Soul
Septuagint Importance in Understanding the New Testament
Taking Time to See the Glory of God in Nature
The Cycles of Genesis 3-12
The Different Themes of the Gospels
Elijah and Elisha in I and II Kings and Ugaritic Literature
The False and Good Shepherds
The Freewill of Man in God's Sovereignty
The General Judgment and Resurrection at Christ's Return
The Hilasterion and the Veil
The Imitation of Christ's Life
The Importance of Torah in Pirke Avot
The Important Creeds of the Church
The Long and Short of Psalm 1
Man is the Demutu of God
Seeds in the Prologue of John
The Return of Jesus Christ
The Sanctity of Life in the Womb to the End of Life
The Shema and the Use of Echad
The Simple Life in Following Christ
The Struggle of the gods
The Suzerainty Treaty
The Targumim in Understanding the New Testament
The Three Matterhorns of the Old Testament Covenants
The Two Geat Commandments
Two Great Doctrinal Texts
Walking and Sitting with the Lord - The Disciple
Reading Classic Texts
Putting On the Eye Glasses of the Scriptures
The Models of the King and Potter
Genesis 1-3 in the Ancient Near East

Here is a PDF of the Vignettes:

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